Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 24

Ok Tony. We're gonna have to have a little chat here. Why did you think it was a good idea to have people warm up in the routine right after Plyometrics with run lunges and jumping jacks? Really dude. Not cool. I'd kick you, but my leg hurts too much. And I probably won't care tomorrow or I'll still hurt.

So anyway, yeah, shoulders and arms today. Numbers are First round : Second round and Weight rating (of band), reps. The ones noted 16 are supposed to be 16. Everything else, looking for 8-10.

Alternating Shoulder Presses 15, 15 : 20, 10
In and Out Bicep Curls 30, 16: 30, 16
2 Arm Tricep Kickbacks 15, 14: 15, 12
Deep Swimmer's Press 15, 10: 15, 8
Full Supination Concentration Curls 40, 8: 40, 8
Chair Dips 6: 5
Upright Rows 20, 12: 20, 10
Static Arm Curls 30, 16: 30, 16
Flip-Grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks 15, 10: 15, 10
2 Angle Shoulder Flys 15, 16: 15, 16
Crouching Cohen Curls 20, 12: 30, 9 (try 40 next time)
Lying Down Tricep Extensions 15, 15: 20, 3/ 15, 4

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 23: It's all in your head.

Wow! I can't believe I did that. I got through Plyometrics. Yeah I had to modify a bit. I didn't come off the ground very high. I'm drenched in my own sweat. But I got it done.

Three weeks ago when I started this, I gave myself all kinds of reasons why I couldn't do this workout in particular. I'm too heavy. I'm too out of shape. I'll hurt myself. It was all mental garbage. So today, I took out the garbage. I only thought about the movement of the moment and forgot everything else. Yeah, I had to take 1 minute breaks instead of 30 seconds, but that's ok. I did not once break other than at the scheduled ones. I didn't go as fast as they did in the video every exercise. But that's ok too. I didn't do the sports bonus round because my legs had no feeling left in them. I don't hurt at all. And hopefully I won't at all. I left it on the floor. And I feel like a million bucks.

I've learned the REAL barrier to physical training isn't your body. It's the preconceived notions in your head.

I'll be continuing with the X. I can do this. Do your best, forget the rest.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 22: So maybe I was just dogging it.

Given the musings of my last post, I decided to change it up a bit and see if the problem was not pushing hard enough. I honestly think it was. I feel really good after this workout.

I forgot to consider that back in middle and high school, I used to walk a mile to school with 30 pounds of weight (books and instrument), march after school with an 8 pound instrument for 1-3 hours, and then walk a mile back home with the 30 pounds of weight. I used to be in really good shape. I think back on it now and I always thought I was too big and out of shape. The reality was, I was in kick butt shape.

I jumped on the scale today and saw 292 pounds. My waist measured 45 inches. For a 27 year old male per the Beachbody body fat calculator, that puts me at 23% body fat, which drops me into the average category from the over-fat category. The calculator estimates me to be at 224 pounds of lean weight and 68 pounds of fat. I started this journey 209 pounds of lean weight and 96 pounds of fat, 305 pounds, 52 inch waist. In 3 weeks, I've gained 15 pounds of lean weight and lost 28 pounds of fat. 225 pounds is starting to look like a pipe dream too.

So what's the change?

I decided to see if I could handle the X. It seems that I could, for the most part. I found myself able to do a grand total of 96 different push-ups. I could get the first one from my toes. I got the black 50 pound resistance band together and it's still not enough resistance for my back exercises. Despite that, I needed to use a chair for pull-ups. I am a big guy after all.

Plyo tomorrow. This should be interesting.


Routine P90X Chest and Back

Push-ups R1: 1 toes, 17 knees R2: 13 knees
Wide Front Pull-ups, assisted R1: 6 R2: 5
Military Push-ups, knees R1: 10 R2: 6
Reverse Grip Chin-up, assisted R1: 5 R2: 5
Fly Push-ups, knees R1: 10 R2: 10
Closed Overhead Pull-up, assisted R1: 4 R2: 3
Decline push-up (modified to on ground, core too weak) R1: 10 R2: 5
Heavy pants, 50 lbs band R1: 15 R2: 12
Diamond push-up, knees, hands a little wider R1: 8 R2: 4
Lawnmowers, 50 lbs band R1: 15x2 R2: 10 right, 8 left
Dive-bomber push-ups R1: 2 R2: 0 (more like a half, fell trying to complete first movement)
Back flys, 50 lbs band R1: 10 R2: 12

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 18 and 19

I'm feeling a bit weaker lately. Maybe I'm pushing too hard? Maybe my crap diet from last week is catching up to me? Yesterday I was pretty sore. Today I'm a little better, but I'm exhausted.

Routine: Power 90 Sculpt 1-2

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 15 reps
Heavy Pants, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 40 pounds, 12 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 15 pounds, right 15 reps, left 15 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 15 reps
Back Flys, 40 pounds, 12 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 11 reps
Wide Open Curls, 30 pounds, 15 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 12 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, still knees, 7/7/2 (7/7/7 is goal)
Lawnmower Start, 40 pounds, 15 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Bicep 21s, 30 pounds, low completed, finished with 20
Dips, feet close, 3 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 17

Chest is stronger today, although my shoulders and triceps still seem to be limiting my push-ups. I got more push-ups, but less on other shoulder and triceps exercises. My body seems to be slowly balancing out. Hopefully I get off my knees for the push-ups soon.

Routine: Power 90 Sculpt 1-2

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 15 reps
Heavy Pants, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 20 pounds, 10 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 40 pounds, 14 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 20 pounds, right 8 reps, left 8 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 15 reps
Back Flys, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 10 reps
Wide Open Curls, 40 pounds, 10 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 9 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, still knees, 7/5/2 (7/7/7 is goal)
Lawnmower Start, 40 pounds, 15 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 15 pounds, 14 reps
Bicep 21s, 30 pounds,low and high completed, finished with 20
Dips, feet close, 5 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 16

I'm needing a shorter break between the yoga and cardio. My balance sucks still. I keep almost falling over a lot. My pace is picking up during the workout.

I have to go back to doing this in the morning. I'm not feeling it for doing this in the evening.

Routine: Power 90 Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 15

I seem to lack endurance more than anything else. I have to drop weight and reps considerably by the 3rd circuit. I'm getting better at these though. Slowly but surely. I had no recovery formula before this one, so I'm gonna go make myself some now.

I think I'm just going to have to get up earlier and have some breakfast then do recovery formula after.

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 15 reps
Heavy Pants, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 20 pounds, 12 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 40 pounds, 12 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 20 pounds, right 12 reps, left 12 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 11 reps
Back Flys, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 11 reps
Wide Open Curls, 30 pounds, 15 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 20 pounds, 6 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, still knees, 7/1/5 (7/7/7 is goal)
Lawnmower Start, 40 pounds, 15 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 20 pounds, 15 reps
Bicep 21s, 30 pounds, completed
Dips, feet close, 2 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Day 14: The scale isn't everything

March 14, 2010

Weight: 287
Waist: 49
Hips: 48.5
Chest: 47
Right arm: 16
Left arm: 16
Right Thigh: 28
Left Thigh: 29
Body fat (estimate from Team Beachbody body fat calculator): 30%

March 21, 2010

Weight: 294
Waist: 48
Hips: 48
Chest: 46
Right arm: 18
Left arm: 18
Right Thigh:28
Left Thigh: 28
Body fat (estimate from Team Beachbody body fat calculator): 27%

My weight went up, but my waist went down and my arms went up in size. My diet this week was frankly bad between my birthday, a wedding, and my dad throwing a party with a leftover turkey, but I still lost fat and gained lean weight. My diet last week was very low carb, and I was extremely tired. Also my arms got bigger, which wasn't surprising. I had no triceps to speak off, and now I actually have some.

I'm trying to do my workout in the evening this week just to see if there is any difference in how I feel. I'll go back to morning if I don't like it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 13

So yeah, after lunch after my aunt's wedding (well, she's not really my aunt, but she might as well be), I needed to get my workout on. That was a darn good cake too. I definitely didn't have issues running low on blood sugar. I actually got all the way through the Power Yoga today without taking a break until after it. I fell down a couple times due to lack of balance though. Crescent and Warrior are tough to get to from Runner's Pose.

I was able to do more run lunges this time. The soreness in my legs is easing. I could do more jumping jacks, although round two of them I had to modify to step jacks still.

Yeah, my diet has been awful this week between my birthday and the wedding. We'll see what happened tomorrow.

Routine: Power 90 Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 12

Man, I'm beat from this week. I ended up not able to do as much as I could Wednesday, but that's ok. I think my body will appreciate the break from the resistance until Monday. Still got cardio/abs tomorrow, along with a wedding to go to, so I'll have to push myself through.

Routine: Power 90 Sculpt 1-2

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 11 reps
Heavy Pants, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 20 pounds, 9 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 40 pounds, 8 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 20 pounds, right 12 reps, left 11 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 10 reps
Back Flys, 40 pounds, 12 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 9 reps
Wide Open Curls, 30 pounds, 12 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 20 pounds, 8 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, still knees, 7/2/4 (7/7/7 is goal)
Lawnmower Start, 40 pounds, 12 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 20 pounds, 12 reps
Bicep 21s, 30 pounds, completed
Dips, feet close, 3 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 11

My upper body is not as stiff as it was Tuesday. I was able to go longer on the Power Yoga without a break. That is still uncomfortable. I guess that's the point though. Core was burning on each plank. I did finish the yoga today.

No stops on the cardio, although my legs are still resisting quite a bit. I can keep up with the punches. I'm still having to modify jumping moves, obviously because of my weight and sore legs.

I'm thinking I'll have to do some stretching on Sunday to help loosen my body up. I'll throw in X Stretch and see how it goes on Sunday.

Routine: Power 90 Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 10

Soreness was gone this morning, so that's good. I was able to push at my max.

I'm gonna have to try to put the handles on the black 50 pound resistance band now for my back exercises. I got one on ok, but other one is fighting me. I got two days to figure it out. (Side note: The pound numbers on the exercise is the weight rating of the resistance band I'm using. Saying I used the pink or red or green band doesn't mean anything to anyone else.)

Push-ups I'm doing slightly better. I'm turning up the resistance on the tricep exercises hoping that will help some.

Routine: Power 90 Sculpt 1-2

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 15 reps (15 is the goal for this circuit)
Heavy Pants, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 20 pounds, 8 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 40 pounds, 10 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 20 pounds, right 8 reps, left 8 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 10 reps
Back Flys, 40 pounds, 15 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 9 reps
Wide Open Curls, 30 pounds, 11 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, still knees, 7 reps/0/5 reps (7/7/7 is goal)
Lawnmower Start, 30 pounds, 15 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 20 pounds, 12 reps
Bicep 21s, 30 pounds, completed
Dips, feet close, 4 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 9

Now my arms AND legs are hurting. The lack of strength in my body I feel is really starting to hold me back. I got through the entire cardio program without stopping except for the 30 second break built into the workout. I could not go full pace. I kept feeling resistance from my muscles when trying to go faster than about 60% of video pace on leg movements and 80% on punches.

Power Yoga whipped me today. It was too painful to try to finish in the condition my muscles are in right now. I got about a minute in when my arms and chest froze on me. That happened on my first Sweat 1-2 last week, but didn't happen again until today.

I'm doing a little bit better with abs. I don't need quite as many breaks any more during it.

I did the P90X recovery drink before the workout again and found that it works for me. I just need to get my strength up now.

Routine: Power 90 Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 8

I tried doing the P90X recovery drink before the workout because I got up late. (Stupid Daylight Savings Time.) It has become apparent to me that my tricep strength is out of whack with my chest strength. The complete failure on the dips after increasing the push-up reps makes that obvious. That and my complete inability to complete one push-up with arms close in.

I have come to the conclusion that my original goal weight of 180 pounds is a pipe dream. My body wants to build more muscle mass. If I keep my lean weight constant, I'd be 7% body fat at 225 pounds. When I came back from my birthday celebration, I was 292, but 48.5 inch waist, which would translate to 13 pounds of fat lost, no lean weight lost. (This was the moment that told me 180 wasn't happening.) So that has become my new goal, 225 pounds, 31 inch waist, 7% body fat.

Workout: Sculpt 1-2, Power 90

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 15 reps
Heavy Pants, 30 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 30 pounds, 15 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 15 pounds, right 15 reps, left 14 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 9 reps
Back Flys, 30 pounds, 15 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 11 reps
Wide Open Curls, 30 pounds, 11 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 11 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, still knees, 7 reps/0/2 reps
Lawnmower Start, 20 pounds, 15 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Bicep 21s, 30 pounds,  low completed, finished with 20 pounds
Dips, feet close, 1 rep (fell on ground trying for 2)
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 7: Rest and Results

I kept my starting measurements on my Team Beachbody profile. I'll just copy them over to here.

March 7, 2010

Weight: 305
Waist: 52
Hips: 49
Chest: 50
Right arm: 16
Left arm: 16
Right Thigh: 27.5
Left Thigh: 28.5
Body fat (estimate from Team Beachbody body fat calculator): 32%

March 14, 2010

Weight: 287
Waist: 49
Hips: 48.5
Chest: 47
Right arm: 16
Left arm: 16
Right Thigh: 28
Left Thigh: 29
Body fat (estimate from Team Beachbody body fat calculator): 30%

So, 18 pounds, net 5.5 inches lost, gained mass in my legs, and lost 2% body fat. Net 7 pounds of lean mass lost (since I gained in my legs) and 11 pounds of body fat gone. The 7 pounds of lean mass was likely water or waste products being stored in the body. I kid you not on this. The second day I had the Shakeology, I had one trip to the bathroom where I left 3 pounds lighter. I weighted myself before going for some reason. That stuff really works.

The fact that I'm young and male probably accounts for a lot of this loss. I'm actually kinda shocked at this.

The mass gain in the legs explains why I was having trouble with the movements involving the legs in the Sweat 1-2 routine (which is 80% of them). I really didn't realize just how weak my legs were compared to my size. I mean, I was doing squats and lunges at 305 pounds, so I guess they would be bigger doing that. That also tells me there likely isn't a ton of fat in my legs and that I'm likely carrying most of my fat in my upper body.

I can see some definition in my arms now and even a little in my abs. It's kinda cool.

It also happens to be my birthday, so I'm celebrating that today, 27 years. I guess that means I'll just have to push harder on my workouts in week 2.

Keep pushing play. I know I will be.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 6

I got through more of the yoga without getting gassed, but that stuff still has me huffing and puffing in no time. Honestly, I think the power yoga is rougher on me than the rest of the workout. Lack of balance and coordination are becoming apparent quickly. Lack of core strength makes holding plank and downward dog very difficult. I'm getting somewhat better though.

I took longer than 30 seconds on the water break. Other than that, and a couple though the yoga and abs, I got through the cardio part without stopping.

I'm starting to notice the amount of abuse I was putting on my legs at 305 pounds. After all the squats and lunges yesterday, and the rest of the week, I'm having trouble getting through the first cardio phase without my leg soreness kicking in. Kicks were also a tad slow. My arms felt great though, and I could go about 90% of the video pace on the punches. The supplements work.

I'm doing slightly better on the ab routine. I still need a few breaks in it though. My abs are not used to actually doing anything.

Workout was Power 90, Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100

Recovery tomorrow, and my birthday! Weight and measurements and analysis coming tomorrow.

But for now, some P90X recovery drink. Mmmm, orange creamsicle...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 5

This is my first full workout after my supplements arrived. I'm gonna say they work rather well. I'm still roasted, but I was able to push a whole lot harder. The numbers themselves don't lie. The P90X results and recovery formula, Shakeology, and P90X vitamins really work wonders. It appears back and biceps are going to 30 pounds except for the last back exercise, the lawnmower starts. I'm getting back to the weights I used to lift in high school and college very quickly.

Workout: Sculpt 1-2, Power 90

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 14 reps (whoa!)
Heavy Pants, 20 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 15 pounds, 13 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 20 pounds, 15 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 15 pounds, right 11 reps, left 8 reps
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 6 reps
Back Flys, 20 pounds, 15 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 8 reps
Wide Open Curls, 20 pounds, 15 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 9 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, 7 reps/0/0
Lawnmower Start, 20 pounds, 10 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Bicep 21s, 20 pounds, completed
Dips, feet close, 6 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 4

I was able to complete the yoga this time. Well, I took a couple breaks to catch my breath, but I got through it. I only had to take one break in the cardio part because my quads are killing me, but it was early. The run lunges still give me problems, likely the quad being sore issue, so I continued running in place instead. The ab routine I had to take quite a few breaks on. Man they don't call that Ab Ripper for nothing. I'd say I was going about 60% of pace. I upped my carb intake a little and it helped with the workout. I think I'll keep it where I have it now.

My internet connection was out until 7:55 AM. Right about the time I finished my workout. So I'm logging that into WOWY now.

Routine: Sweat 1-2, Ab Ripper 100

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 3

Oh man, I'm roasted. The push-ups and dips were pushed to absolute failure. I even fell on my butt trying to get dip number 5 off. It appears I'll be pushing the back and bicep moves up to 20 pounds next time. Good workout. Here's the stats. I used to lift weights in high school and college. It seems I'm gaining a lot of strength back quickly.

Workout: Sculpt 1-2, Power 90

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 8 reps
Heavy Pants, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Military Press, 15 pounds, 11 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 15 pounds, 15 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 15 pounds, 7 reps per side
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 5 reps
Back Flys, 15 pounds, 15 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 8 reps
Wide Open Curls, 15 pounds, 12 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 9 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, 4 reps/0/0
Lawnmower Start, 15 pounds, 12 reps per side
Shoulder Flys, 15 pounds, 12 reps
Bicep 21s, 15 pounds, completed
Dips, feet close, 4 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2

Day 2: Sweat 1-2

So yeah, the Power Yoga hurt. I had to cut that one short. I was able to complete the rest of it though. I had to go about half pace all the way though. I ended up taking a break early because I was pushing a little too hard. I can really feel my legs and shoulders burning.

Time to hit the shower and get ready for work.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 1

Whew. Yeah, I may be feeling that one later. I might have pushed a little too hard but I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Here's the stats.

Workout: Sculpt 1-2, Power 90

Circuit 1:

Push-ups, from knees, 5 reps
Heavy Pants, 15 pounds, 10 reps
Military Press, 15 pounds, 8 reps
Standard Bicep Curls, 15 pounds, 12 reps
One Arm Tricep Raise, 15 pounds, 7 reps per side
Lunges, 12 reps

Circuit 2:

Fly push-ups, from knees, 4 reps
Back Flys, 15 pounds, 12 reps
Swimmer's Press, 15 pounds, 6 reps
Wide Open Curls, 15 pounds, 8 reps
Two Arm Kickbacks, 15 pounds, 6 reps
Lunges/Squats, 12 reps/18 reps

Circuit 3:

Wide/Tri/Standard push-ups, 3 reps/0/0
Lawnmower Start, 15 pounds, 12 reps
Shoulder Flys, 15 pounds, 8 reps
Bicep 21s, 15 pounds, completed
Dips, feet close, 3 reps
Three part Squats, 8 reps each part

I'm going to stick with 15 pounds for now. I'll move up to 20 once I can do 15 reps of a given movement. Chest, triceps, and shoulders are clearly my weak links given my push-ups and dips numbers.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The first step.

It's said that a journey begins with a single step. So my journey towards fitness begins now with that single step.

I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of getting gassed going up stairs. I'm tired of spending double what I should on clothes because I'm too fat. I've let myself get to 305 pounds, and I've had enough of it.

I've tried to workout in the past, but I could never stick to it. My solution to that problem is to post my journey for the world to see. Feel free to contact me and tell me to get back on track if I don't keep updating this.

Here's how I look now.


I've decided to do Power 90 as my workout routine. It's 6 days a week of commitment. My workout begins 7:00 AM Central Mon-Sat. I log my workouts both here and at my Team Beachbody profile. (The Coach thing is to get a 25% discount on stuff I buy there. It's well worth it if you spend any appreciable amount of money there. And yes, I could make some money if you buy something through that link.)

You are free to follow this journey. Feel free to come with me as well if you need to get in better shape.

The first workout begins tomorrow, March 8, 2010.